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Who organised Climate Sunday?


The Environmental Issues Network is grateful to the Climate Sunday steering group, which included:

Andy Atkins, A Rocha UK

Hannah Eves, A Rocha UK

Maria Elena Arana, CAFOD

Michael McClure, CTBI

Bob Fyffe, CTBI

Maranda St John Nicolle, CCOW

Jo Chamberlain, Church of England

Caroline Pomeroy, Climate Stewards

Gethin Rhys, Cytûn

Stephen Curran, Eco Congregation Scotland

Andrew Orr, Eco Congregation Ireland

Hannah Brown, JPIT

Cameron Conant, Operation Noah

Jean Leston, Operation Noah

Jeremy Kidwell, University of Birmingham

And special thanks to James Anthony, Consultant Coordinator of the Climate Sunday campaign

Climate Sunday was organised by CTBI’s Environmental Issues Network (EIN). This gathers the environmental ‘leads’ of the major denominations, some Christian orders, and the Christian environmental and relief and development agencies. Member organisations who gave their formal backing to the initiative include:


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