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Tamsin Morris, A Rocha UK

020 8574 5935 Ext: 2006

Service plans
Datganiadau i'r wasg

15 Tachwedd 2021

Clymblaid Sul y Hinsawdd yn galw am arweinyddiaeth foesol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn sgîl COP26

Er y daethpwyd i rai cytundebau i'w croesawu yn Glasgow yn COP26, roedd canlyniadau'r gynhadledd ar y cyfan islaw’r hyn oedd ei angen i gadw cynhesu byd-eang yn is na 1.5 gradd.


1 November 2021

Climate Sunday galvanises churches’ commitment to actionfor start of COP26

On Monday 1st November, at COP26, the Climate Sunday coalition of 31 Christian denominations and charities announced the final numbers of participants and commitments in its year of churches’ action on climate change.

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5 September 2021

The Nations’ Climate Sunday Service at Glasgow Cathedral:
1,950 churches and charities prepare for COP26

On Sunday, 40 Christian denominations and charities from across the UK came together for a special service marking ‘Climate Sunday’ at Glasgow Cathedral, close to where the COP26 climate summit will take place in two months’ time.

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July 2021

100 days before the start of international climate negotiations, a
unique Christian coalition calls on every UK church to act

With only 100 days to go until COP26 - the critical international climate negotiations which the UK government will host and chair in Glasgow in November - a broad coalition of Christian denominations and charities is calling on all churches to hold a ‘Climate Sunday’ and commit to effective action themselves, before talks begin. So far more than 1,500 churches across Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland are taking part and hundreds more, including several cathedrals, are planning to do so.

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