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Promotional Resources

The Climate Sunday initiative called on all local churches across Great Britain & Ireland to hold a climate-focused service on any Sunday before COP26 (November 2021). At this service, congregations were encouraged to make a commitment to greater action to address climate change in their own place of worship and community and to use their voice to tell politicians we want a cleaner, greener, fairer future at the heart of plans agreed during COP26.

The campaign may be over, but you can still hold a Climate Sunday service to explore creation care and take action on environmental issues.

A selection of resources are available below to help you plan a climate focused service.

Powerpoint template
Powerpoint template
Illustration of a woman sitting on a park bench reading a book

Powerpoint template

Climate Sunday PPTX cover image.jpg
Promotional videos

Climate Sunday video

Sul yr Hinsawdd

JPIT video

Social media graphics

Facebook page header

CS Facebook Header

Facebook event header

CS Facebook Event header.jpg

Twitter header

CS Twitter header

Instagram post

CS Instagram post
Social media graphics

Landscape poster

CS Landscape poster.jpg

Landscape Poster (2)

CS Lanscape poster (2).jpg

Portrait poster

CS Portrait poster.jpg
Regional press release
Construction worker

Use this template to create a press release to send to your local newspaper, news website, and radio and TV stations to publicise that your church has joined the Climate Sunday campaign in the run-up to COP 26.

CS regional Press Release thumbnail copy.png

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Website design by The Malting House

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