Service Resources
The Climate Sunday initiative called on all local churches across Great Britain & Ireland to hold a climate-focused service on any Sunday before COP26 (November 2021). At this service, congregations were encouraged to make a commitment to greater action to address climate change in their own place of worship and community and to use their voice to tell politicians we want a cleaner, greener, fairer future at the heart of plans agreed during COP26.
The campaign may be over, but you can still hold a Climate Sunday service to explore creation care and take action on environmental issues.
A selection of service materials are available below to help you plan your Climate Sunday.
And for inspiration, you can watch a selection of services that have already taken place.
Service Plans

Jubilee for the Earth
From Season of Creation
The 2020 Celebration Guide with the theme “Jubilee for the Earth” is available thanks to Season of Creation. During 2020, the need for just and sustainable systems was revealed by the far-reaching effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
You can download this resource in English or Welsh:
Eucharist plan for liturgical use
From Cytûn
These Eucharist propers for Creation Time and Climate Sunday have been made by Cytûn.
The resource can be downloaded in English or Welsh:
Liturgical resources
From the Church of England
A Time for Creation - This collection of prayers, readings and other liturgical resources aims to enliven our praise of God’s gifts to us in creation. It is intended to deepen awareness so that we take greater responsibility for our actions, repent of our misuse of natural resources and amend our ways, and attend more closely to the voice of creation itself in our prayer and worship.... Ideal for year-round use in parishes, schools and chaplaincies.
Climate Sunday Order of Service
From the Church of England Environment Programme
Suggestions for a Service of the Word for a Sunday morning service not including the Eucharist. This resource provides ideas for material to use at various points in the service.
Climate Sunday Mass template
A template for a Climate Sunday Mass which can take place on any Sunday before the beginning of the Glasgow UN COP26 meeting on 1 November 2021.
The Mass can be a celebration of any Livesimply or other Creation Care actions your parish has taken.
Why does a God of love allow disasters to happen?
From World Vision

This sermon, based on readings from Genesis, shows that God doesn’t make disasters happen in order to punish people, but that disasters occur due to specific vulnerabilities. Click here
A Powerpoint to compliment the sermon, above.
A script for the Powerpoint above, which can be used alongside the sermon. Click here
Trees of Life
From World Vision

A sermon to show the role of trees in many parts of the Bible, and to consider the impact trees can have today in restoring degraded environments and addressing climate change. Click here
Climate Sunday Resources
From The Salvation Army

A selection of prayer and worship ideas for use in online or socially distanced worship services or group sessions. Click here
Take action to help combat climate change. Click here
Climate Sunday teaching resource. Click here
Climate Sunday Powerpoint template. Click here.
From The United Reformed Church
A selection of material to help resource Christian worship at any time of year. A variety of ‘pick and mix’ options are offered for each part of a service, including a liturgy for a Communion service.
A collection of prayers on climate related topics from Christian Aid in Wales.
Music & Hymns
From Resound Worship
"Sometimes the Old Testament prophets speak of inevitable calamity, sometimes they speak in the hope that people will change their ways... But whatever disasters come, there is still ultimate hope in the mercy of God." Read more about the track.
Download the corresponding piano score, choir score, melody instrument parts and lead sheet:
Visit to purchase the full album, music book and accompanying thirteen-chapter study guide which includes contributions from leading scholars and practitioners in the fields of environmentalism and worship, plus three service plans with new resources created by engageworship.
Hymns on creation
From A Rocha
A Rocha has provided a number of hymns, including God Creation Comes from You which has music and lyrics (offered here for non-commercial use with no modifications) from Jubilate Hymns. A Rocha's 2012 Environment Resource Pack also contains song and hymn suggestions.

Hymns of Wonder, Thanksgiving and Praise
From Christian Concern for One World (CCOW)
This web page from Christian Concern for One World (CCOW) provides suggestions for creation-care hymns, with links to songs on YouTube (such as This is My Father's World above) and Hymnary.
Readings from Psalm 104
From Operation Noah
Verses adapted from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible with photos.
Church climate change talk
From Tearfund
A guide to talking about climate change at church which helps people understand the climate emergency and be inspired by God’s love for creation and his heart for justice.
Sermon collection
From Green Christian
Green Christian has collated a number of varied and interesting sermons.
Sustainable Preaching website
From A Rocha, ACEN, ECEN, Micah, USPG and ZGV
Sustainable Preaching brings together sermons from around the world which link into every Sunday in the Lectionary
A collection of sermons from A Rocha International, including the one above featuring Revd Dave Bookless.

Green Communion Sermon
From Eco Church
A Green Sermon by Kathy Galloway, former head of Christian Aid Scotland.
Prayer for Climate Change
From Christian Aid
A prayer for climate change written by Katrina Rowland.

Reflective prayer Powerpoints
From Christian Concern for One World (CCOW)
A collection of reflective prayer Powerpoints using beautiful images.
Young People
All age activities
From Christian Aid
All-age worship ideas to inspire your church to reflect on climate justice.
Moved by Faith
By Tearfund
Download Tearfund: Moved by Faith
God Saw That It Was Good
From Baptist Union Environment Network
This physical or digital photo resource can be used as part of a service, event, or small group. It features four images linked to environmental themes, each accompanied by an audio reflection.
Links to the YouTube videos are on the Baptists Together website. You can download the draft manual: Click here